Dates and numbers:
There are 174 days until my due date on January 06, 2008.
I am 106 days pregnant.
I am 3.5 months pregnant.
I am in my 4th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
My 1st trimester: April 01, 2007 to June 30, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
My 2nd trimester: July 01, 2007 to October 13, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
My 3rd trimester: October 14, 2007 to January 06, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
My baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 4 inches and s/he now weighs approximately 1.75 ounces. My baby is close to the size of a softball and I can easily tell that I am pregnant now! If I wear maternity clothes or a swimming suit, other people will be able to tell that I am pregnant also.There are 174 days until my due date on January 06, 2008.
I am 106 days pregnant.
I am 3.5 months pregnant.
I am in my 4th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
My 1st trimester: April 01, 2007 to June 30, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
My 2nd trimester: July 01, 2007 to October 13, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
My 3rd trimester: October 14, 2007 to January 06, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
My baby, 25 weeks to go..... (22-23 for me thank you!)
My baby is growing at an amazing rate and looking more like a human every day. Because my baby's skin is so thin, blood vessels canbe seen through the skin. Lanugo hair covers my baby's body, but it will be gone when my baby is born. The hair on the eyebrows and head continues to grow. Some babies are born with little or no hair and others have a head full of hair! If I have an ultrasound at this point, I might be able to see my baby sucking its thumb. Even though the eyes continue to move to the front of the face, they are still widely separated. Baby's ears look like normal ears and continue to develop externally. The bones that have already formed continue to get harder and retain calcium. The baby is very mobile and flexible at this point. S/he can bend his/her arms at the elbows and wrists and s/he can also make a fist with his/her hands.
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