Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kids' Books!

jsw 2008 What Rhymes with Wallace Books

I has always loved books and one of my greatest weaknesses has been purchasing (and reading) children's books. Another love that I have had throughout my life has been writing. For as long as I can remember holding a pen or pencil I have loved writing. Lately I've been working on some children's books for Imogen. It started with ABC books for her cousins--Ivan and Dominique. I also wrote one for her (actually our future children) soon after we lost Gordon. A friend is currently working on illustrating it. For all the other books I have used images I have found on Google search or from our photographs. (So no, I don't plan on publishing them---at least not in their current form.) John bought me a laminator as an anniversary gift (one of a few gifts he bought me) and it has come into good use.

Titles include: Books are for Reading, Love is: words from I Cor. 13, The Whatevers: words from Philippians 4, Daddy Loves Me and Teaches Me Things, This Little Doggie, This Little Chicken and This Little Cow, My Bible ABCs, and I'm working on, The Fruit of the Spirit. It feels good to write them and I love seeing Imogen's face light up when I read them to her.

1 comment:

Madame Angela Baggett said...

I had thought of making you a book, but it would make more sense if you did it, since the words are already written and the pictures would all need to come from you anyways. Meredith's friend made her a book based on "the crayon song". She took pictures of her and her son, a box of crayons and each of the colors. He loves it and often asks for us to sing the song.