Friday, February 20, 2009


Lately Imogen seems to be growing up so fast. After she got over her cold it seemed like she had advanced by leaps and bounds. I know I need to write down what she says and does before I forget and she stops doing them or moves on to something new.

Her favourite sound used to be cooing like a dove (rolling at the back of her throat). Lately she is lolling her tongue--a lot of "L" sounds as well as animal growls when the time is right. Clicking her tongue is also fun and occasionally she has been grinding her teeth (Mommy is not a fan of this one).

"What is this?" or "Zhat?" are fun parts of her speech and "Wow" is a new one. "Ah-oh" is what she says when she throws something on the floor--on purpose of course...sometimes she says it before she has released the cup or the food.

A couple weeks ago she sang the "Wheels on the Bus" with her toy sound puzzle. She has also repeated things like "Wub you...."

Lately she as been giving kisses by suctioning the bottom of her palm and exclaiming, "BMMMOI!"

When the Sasktel guy came to the door (we have cable now ~a different story for another blog), Imogen turned and ran to John with her arms in the air. After John picked her up she looked at the Sasktel guy and gave him a deliberate wink.

We were at a puppet show and Imogen got antsy near the end. I let her run/walk near the back and picked her up. A little boy--about two and a half--was climbing a chair next to us. Imogen started saying, "Baby, Babeee..." To which he forcefully replied, "I am NOT A BABY!"

When a song calls for touching her head she does so with gusto.

She now participates almost fully in Library Story Time. The first time she had an image to place on the felt board she chewed on it. The second time she had one she put it on her head, (a favourite family game is to put anything on her head and exclaim, "Imogen hat!"), she also had a good response from parents in the crowd when she did this. Most recently she actually walked right up and placed the image on the board! Mommy was very proud! She also claps at the end of stories.

Passive resistance--aargh! She will totally go flopsy when she does not want to go where you are taking her.

She has a growing knowledge regarding the tv or laptop. She knows how to shut both off and learned to do so without direct instruction. She also asks for both much too frequently (Baby Einstein) as we were slackers when we all had head colds.

She loves music and will sing and clap in time to music. Prodigy? Well, I won't go that far. She certainly appreciates it.

Books~she loves books and will bring them to us frequently to enjoy.


Ian said...

Those inscrutable frowns that she forms are hard to read. Maybe she is just thinking hard while figuring out this strange world.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

yeah, fun to hear of all her antics. Aunty is proud!

Carolyn said...

Hey! I just was "wasting time" on the internet and realized it surely was no waste of time to happen upon your blog. I hadn't known you still kept it up or started a new I am glad to have found you again. Your daughter is...let's just say....ADORABLE. I am so happy to see her beautiful smile and I just know she light sup your every day. Congrats Jenn. Glad to be back in touch.