Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Looking at our girl

This past year? Unlike any other. Our girl has changed our lives and for that I am so thankful. It is so much fun to watch her and see her own personality and will develop. It is also fun to realize that she has parts of me and parts of John that make up who she is. I miss seeing what her brother would have been like and how they would have been different or similar. It is also fun seeing her with her cousins (one in person and the others in pics and on the webcam.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Someone is going to have a birthday soon!

Imogen will be turning one soon! Thus the new background. What a year it will have been. Lately she's been tilting her head (almost causing a permanent kink in her neck) to let people know just how cute she is. How did she learn this? It is probably from all the affirmation she gets when she does it. Anyways thanks to Janet, I found this great background...so I'll probably be redecorating this site frequently.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

11 months and feeling better!

Imogen is eleven months old today and is almost back to being herself. Yesterday we took her to the doctor. This past month has been eventful. She took her first steps and more, she recognizes us in photos and can say Mommy and Dad, and HIIMMEEE (not sure if this is Immy). She also can intitiate playing games--as long as someone is willing to play along. On Monday she will have completed her first swim class--StarFish. What a big girl!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Imogen got sick yesterday and has been sick again numerous times tonight. Not fun. This is the part of parenting that I wasn't looking forward to...although it was good to see her feeling better for a short time right after throwing up. Hoping that she'll be back to her normal self tomorrow. However we will not be taking in Salsa Babies tomorrow and we will delay her second flu shot as well. (*In the first season that babies receive a flu shot 6-24 mos. they get a second dose a month later.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another First

Well, well, well. This explains the disturbed sleep patterns, change of appetite, being a little grouchy before bed, extra smelly breath and diapers: Imogen has cut another tooth--her first molar! Should have known. Auntie Jess called it. She asked if Imogen had any more teeth and I thought she still just had eight. I went looking this morning for something in her mouth and found another tooth instead! Way to Go Imogen!

John found a link for the lifetime of teeth. So she is on time with her teeth. Her first two she got at four months and soon at six months she had four more teeth (for a total of six). By about eight months she had eight--four on top and four on bottom. Now she has nine teeth.

Kids' Books!

jsw 2008 What Rhymes with Wallace Books

I has always loved books and one of my greatest weaknesses has been purchasing (and reading) children's books. Another love that I have had throughout my life has been writing. For as long as I can remember holding a pen or pencil I have loved writing. Lately I've been working on some children's books for Imogen. It started with ABC books for her cousins--Ivan and Dominique. I also wrote one for her (actually our future children) soon after we lost Gordon. A friend is currently working on illustrating it. For all the other books I have used images I have found on Google search or from our photographs. (So no, I don't plan on publishing them---at least not in their current form.) John bought me a laminator as an anniversary gift (one of a few gifts he bought me) and it has come into good use.

Titles include: Books are for Reading, Love is: words from I Cor. 13, The Whatevers: words from Philippians 4, Daddy Loves Me and Teaches Me Things, This Little Doggie, This Little Chicken and This Little Cow, My Bible ABCs, and I'm working on, The Fruit of the Spirit. It feels good to write them and I love seeing Imogen's face light up when I read them to her.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Does "Happy Baby" begin to describe our girl? We are joyfilled around her. She wakes up with a smile on her face. She plays games that get us laughing. She likes to make people smile a lot. Yes, she has moments of seriousness and sadness. (She has even had temper tantrums). But she takes such joy in learning and experiencing life. I am learning a lot from our little girl.

Cheerios and Whole Milk

Well of late Imogen does not eat baby food. She turns her head as if we are insulting her. (The only baby food she will tolerate quite happily are sweet potato and fruit sauces.) For awhile we still got away with baby porridge but not anymore. So today we tried cold cereal (cheerios) and whole milk. She down it pretty well. She's growing up so much!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well Imogen has a new friend. A new family has joined the small group at our house. They have a little girl who is 18 months old and running everywhere. She seemed to motivate Imogen to walk even more. So tonight Imogen walked away from us to nowhere and also to different spots without prompting...all because she had a new friend to chase after. Anyday now she'll be off!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How do I catch up?

Well this isn't so much a catch up as to say...our daughter is a joy and is growing in leaps and bounds. She has begun walking and saying words, she creates her own games, she eats table foods...she is truly a precious gift from God.

Monday, April 7, 2008

3 Months

Okay so I'm a little behind on the blogging. Imogen will be four months in less than two weeks and I'm putting up three now. She is a joy with her laughter and her expressions. She had fun today playing with her little activity floor gym and looking in the mirror. I'm loving all that she can do. This time goes by so quickly so I'm trying to enjoy all the moments with her. I think I hear her now waking up....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Two months

It is amazing what two months have meant for us. She is such a joy to us and her extended family. She is growing and responding to so much. She is so much fun to watch. Thank you God for our daughter. What a blessing!

Friday, January 25, 2008

For those not on Facebook


We are enjoying our little Imogen very much. She is almost six weeks old and she is ever changing and growing. She is taking in a lot with her eyes now. She is also smiling in response to us. We haven't had her weighed in awhile but we are pretty sure she's over 9 pounds--our arms are telling us. We have gone on a few excursions now as well: Sundays with our church, our small group, her baby shower, Marsayn's shower, to my school, to John's work, to appointments, to Girl's Night Out, to Grandma and Grandpa MacLeod and Grandma and Grandpa Wallace's, some shopping...Let's just say we are not bored at all. Special thanks to Grandmas who helped get us places during the day too!

The photo with feathers was taken by Kirsten Magnuson: Amazon Photography in Saskatoon