Thursday, November 13, 2008


Imogen got sick yesterday and has been sick again numerous times tonight. Not fun. This is the part of parenting that I wasn't looking forward to...although it was good to see her feeling better for a short time right after throwing up. Hoping that she'll be back to her normal self tomorrow. However we will not be taking in Salsa Babies tomorrow and we will delay her second flu shot as well. (*In the first season that babies receive a flu shot 6-24 mos. they get a second dose a month later.)


Ian said...

I'm sure that she will be better soon.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

yeah the kids being sick is horrible. Sorry she is not well. Hope she'll be better soon. In the meantime, enjoy the snuggle time and tell her auntie hope she feels better soon and that you all get rest through it all. I just got the flu shot and Ivan and Dominique are getting it in the morning. Hope that means we'll be fluless this year. Last year's flu was horrid!