Tuesday, August 7, 2007

You oughta be in pictures...

Well we got to look at the baby. This one is a little uncooperative--at least today anyway. It was hard to get a good shot. Most of the time baby's arms were up and so were baby's legs: ready to punch and kick at the same time? Anyways I was happy to see the baby, measuring 18 weeks 5 days. Heart rate 138 bpm. No we couldn't tell girl or boy and we don't want to know.


Madame Angela Baggett said...

I want to know, but apparently I have no say in this (ha, ha). I keep calling the baby him by accident, so it would be good to know if I'm wrong. I have very poor prediction abilities.

We all enjoyed the picture. We looked at the big one and shouted to the screen "hello cousin, we love you cousin". Ivan thought the cousin very cool and wanted to see him/her move. Too bad it wasn't a video. Did you get some on video?

jenn with two n's said...

We did get video but the recorder they have is vhs...so it's on a tape. We never brought our camera in so I wouldn't know how to turn it into a digital clip.