Sunday, November 11, 2007

32 weeks--5 weeks to go.

8 months!

Well another week down and we're are now at the 8 month mark. I have twelve teaching days left--which is good because lately I have the kids come to me as I sit and teach. That is okay but I'm sure they'll appreciate a teacher who moves around a bit more.
Dates and numbers:
There are 54 days until my due date on January 06, 2008.
I am 226 days pregnant.
I am 7.4 months pregnant.
I am in my 8th month of pregnancy. (huh?)
My 1st trimester: April 01, 2007 to June 30, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
My 2nd trimester: July 01, 2007 to October 13, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
My 3rd trimester: October 14, 2007 to January 06, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)

By week 32, my baby weighs nearly 4 pounds (I think more)! The crown-to-rump length of my baby is approximately 11.7 inches and the total length is about 18.9 inches. My uterus is now 5 inches above my bellybutton. Some doctors do not see their patients every other week until now. (I am going every other week to my obstetrician and then every week by week 34).

This pic is of a sleeping boy. the baby sleeps 90-95% of the day, and sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming.

Now that my baby has grown so long and my uterus is higher, I might notice a new discomfort. My baby is probably head-down and may occasionally stretch out and kick me in the ribs. The pressure on my rib cage can make me sore, especially if one of my baby's feet become caught. I can prevent this by sitting up straight as much as possible. Because my baby's demands for vitamins and minerals are higher than ever right now,I should continue to take your prenatal vitamins for the entire pregnancy.

This week my baby's movements will peak. I should continue to monitor the fetal movements daily and address any concerns with my caregiver. The wrinkles in my baby's face are disappearing and fat is still being deposited throughout the baby's body.

The body growth slows down from now on.

Because of the lack of space in the uterus, the legs are drawn up in what is known as the fetal position.

As a preparation for breastfeeding, my baby has learned to root for the breast. The baby will turn his/her head if touched on the cheek and open his/her mouth if the bottom lip is tickled. By this time the baby can also suck and swallow in a coordinated way.


Madame Angela Baggett said...

Blessings, blessings, blessings. You look so awesome! Can't wait to hug your beautiful belly.

Anonymous said...

You look really good in that pic. And I am sure you little ones will understand your condition. I mean, they can see it and you surely explained it to them. A