Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First picture

I had our second baby's first ultrasound today! It was amazing how quickly they got me in and out. Even so, my doctor heard my name being called and was very worried. I passed by her just as she was saying not to scare her like that. I reassured her I was there for a scheduled ultrasound--one that she requested. (Afterwards I saw her in the hallway and showed her the pic. It was good to see her and to know that she really is concerned about the baby and me--not that I ever doubted that.) The baby is measuring 9 weeks and four days. The heartbeat was 158 (beats per minute). All seems to be going well. John and I were in and out of there in less than ten minutes (actually we met there and John was the one who had been waiting.) Anyways I cried some tears of relief and was quite happy to see our baby so clearly. (The ultrasound technician warned that it might be difficult to see from the front at such an early stage but no problems there! Baby was not camera shy!)


Lady J said...

Next to Harrison's ultrasound, that is the cutest baby I have ever seen!!! :)

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Aw man- I wish they'd let you watch for at least 15 minutes! Thank you for sharing- it brought tears to my eyes to see my little niece/nephew (could I just say nephiece?) love you all ;)

Jennifer said...

Yippee! Hi baby! Can't wait to meet the little one in person. Hugs to you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a wee one. And you can see it already. Isn't it amazing?