Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Looking the part

Today I experienced a what some kids will say moment. As I was walking a group of grade three students back to their classroom one boy had a question for me. (This same boy asked me in grade two if I needed a good day care because he knew one that he'd recommend. ) On the way he piped up with, "Madame are you pregnant? 'Cause you sure look like it." Before I could answer two other boys chided him. "You shouldn't say that; that's rude!" He didn't apologize and I looked at him and silently nodded yes. He then proceeded to exclaim, "Wow I didn't know girls could get pregnant so fast!" I had nothing more to say except that he was observant.

Needless to say the word may get around that I'm pregnant. I'm trying to be quiet and calm when asked in hopes that maybe the kids will move onto other topics. In the fall it will be obvious and they won't have to count so far ahead.

I had another appointment at the pregnancy clinic. We had some laughs and the doctor, who is an internist, asked me about prenatal classes. It was neat to be able to speak from my experience. When she said the only thing she was really worried about was the delivery, I assured her she could do it--if I could do it and Gordon was 10,3 (lbs, ounces), she could too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got to love kids, they now things before anyone else knows.