Monday, June 4, 2007

9 weeks

I had a very good appointment with my obstetrician. She was happy to see us and she reassured me with all the things I've been doing up to this point. We talked about dates and she agreed that 37-38 weeks is quite reasonable; baby will be born just before Christmas. I am happy about that. She also said that because we need to be certain about dates she wants me to get an ultrasound soon. So I get one on June 6th--yeah! I know the baby will not look like much at this point but it will be good to see our developing baby at this early stage. I am looking forward to that. There is so much I am looking forward to; I am trying to take things as they come. As far as symptoms go, thank you to those who are praying. Everything is not totally better but much more manageable. I am happier and healthy.


We have elbows! Your baby is now approximately 13-17 mm crown to rump length, or about 0.51 - 0.66 inches. S/he also weighs in at 1 gram! Toe rays are present as the toes begin to form. Gonads have become testes (for boys) or ovaries (for girls). Baby will move away if touched through the uterine wall, and can spontaneously move as well. Ossification (hardening) of the bones may begin.


Anonymous said...

I am very excited about this new blog and added it already to my favourits.
I am praying for you, John and the little one.

He, I was wondering if you ave the new 3D ultrasound. Might not make much sense at this stage but later one it gives great pics of the little one.

Bonnie said...

Jenn, your news and new blog brought tears to my eyes...both of remembrance and faithful hope. :) I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!

I will pray for the peace that passes understanding to fill your heart my friend. Your honesty and courage inspire me so much.

Much love to you and that little one!!

Janet said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better! Hope you get back to normal and enjoy EVERY moment of the pregnancy!

Heather said...

Wonderful news Jenn and John. Congratulations!!! :-)