Saturday, October 27, 2007

If you like numbers

Well we had an ultrasound yesterday and a non-stress test. I didn't realize I was going to have the NST and had booked the ultrasound for 8:10 am. Needless to say I had to call the school during the NST and ask my co-worker to take my kids until I got there. She is truly wonderful. For me the non-stress didn't involve no-stress, that would have been a relaxing massage... Still it was good to hear the baby's heartbeat and to feel and see the kicks.

So numbers--mine are good but here's about baby:
approx: 1569 grams/ 3lbs. 7 oz.
63rd percentile for 30 weeks ( I was at the end of 29weeks)

Measurements: (first number represents weeks, second number represents days)
H (head) 31-6, 30-5
A (abdomen) 30-1
F (femur) 30-1

Fetal Assessment Total Score /10
Fetal Mov't 2
Fetal Tone 2
Fetal Breathing 2
Fetal Fluid Volume 2
NST (Non-stress test) 2

(2 is normal for each category.)

The ultrasound is a photo of the baby's head to the right. S/He is facing out. The baby's mouth was making sucking motions. Very cool.

1 comment:

Madame Angela Baggett said...

Hey little baby! Good to see you again. You are looking splendid. Be good for momma and dadda and all us extended family eagerly awaiting your arrival. We look forward to seeing you soon.