Monday, May 7, 2007

5 weeks

I knew it was the right time to tell. As we were leaving the auditorium Sunday morning I read Helen's lips, (Helen is in our small group), "Are you pregnant?" So we were excited to tell both sets of grandparents and Uncle Andrew at lunch. After lunch I called Auntie Angela. Uncle Jim and Auntie Susan and Auntie Jessie found out Saturday. We had a great time telling family and then our close friends and our small group.

Your heart will begin to beat this week! It's amazing how much is happening so quickly. (A transvaginal ultrasound will show about 90% of the yolk sacs). It is now possible to differentiate between your head and your tail now. By the end of the week that folic acid will be paying off as the neural folds begin to fuse. Baby, you are now an embryo! Average length is 1.5 - 2.5 mm.

Dates and numbers:
There are 243 days until my due date on January 06, 2008.
I am 37 days pregnant.
I am 1.2 months pregnant.
I am in my 2nd month of pregnancy. (Thismeanswhat?)
My 1st trimester: April 01, 2007 to June 30, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
My 2nd trimester: July 01, 2007 to October 13, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
My 3rd trimester: October 14, 2007 to January 06, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)

1 comment:

@mber said...

Jenn, I'm so excited for you and John! I'll be intently waiting for updated news and pictures.