Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kindred Spirits

At the beginning of May our school got the news that another woman had just gone through what I did losing Gordon. She too is a Jennifer. I got to meet her today. What a blessing! Our experiences were and are so similar. It was so good to share our stories and talk about our babies--she had a girl named Brooke. And so our little ones are buried probably near each other and their spirits live on. Jennifer and her husband are taking a trip soon just to get away. She is looking forward to the future and wanting to have another baby. She was so excited to hear of my pregnancy. I look forward to this new friendship. We share something pretty special.


Lynn said...

How wonderfull that God brought you two together. What comfort there is in talking with someone who actually 'knows' what you have/are going through.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

I am so glad you are able to be there for her as she continues on her journey through grief. There is something awesome about togetherness. What you have experienced is so deep, so monumental, so life-changing. I'm sure the chasm could seem overwhelming at times, but together it's easier to face our problems and I feel that together your healing will be multiplied.